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Go green 2023
Congress and Festival on Air Quality
The purpose of the Environmentalize 2023 Congress is to publicize advances, projects and initiatives developed to contribute to the improvement of air quality, making visible its relationship with climate change and people's health, with the purpose of strengthening the binational effort in the Mexicali-Imperial region.
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Environmentalize Congress 2023
November 14th in the HOTEL ARAIZA INN
Blvd. Benito Juárez 2220, Jardines del Valle, 21279 Mexicali, B.C.
Telephone: 686 564 1100
Meet the talented speakers who will share experiences, projects and solutions developed at the national level.
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Environmental Festival
November 15 in the Plaza Sol of Vicente Guerrero Park.
Blvd. Lopez Mateos s/n, Nombre de Colonia, 21010 Mexicali, B.C.
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